FAQ about the Great Plain Squares Dance Class

FAQ Information

Where is the weekly dance?

We dance almost every week from September thru May at the Carter Methodist Church, 800 Highland Avenue, Needham Massachusetts. This location is at Exit 35C off the highway (Rte. 95/128).

What is the starting date?

September and January we start with a free beginner night from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

How long is the class for?

After the first week, class will continue from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. The duration of the class is 16 weeks.

What do I learn in those sixteen weeks?

The program of square dance calls are taught during those sixteen weeks, and you will be dancing right away each week building on the previous week’s dancing. You will learn that square dancing energizes the body and the mind and that your daily cares drop away while you are at the dance. You will learn that square dancers are very friendly and will be delighted to teach you what they know.

Where do I park?

In back of the church you can use the parking lot or park on surrounding streets. Enter the door off the parking lot and walk down the stairs to the main hall for the dance.

Do I need a partner?

While having a partner is nice, it is not required. Singles are welcome and we have many singles, both men and women, in the group. Children over the age of ten are welcome when dancing with a parent.

Do I have to wear those fancy skirts?

After you have danced for awhile, you may decide to wear fancy skirts or shirts, but you are not required to. Many dancers do not wear a fancy dress. They come in skirts or jeans sold in ordinary stores. This is casual attire with jeans or whatever nice clothes they wore that day. Sneakers are OK, although the rubber tends to stick while turning and leather soles are recommended. Remember, this is modern square dancing. Not old fashion styles.

What is the price for class?

For the class we have a money-saving, time-saving subscription in blocks of 16 weeks. The price is $100 per person for 16 nights. This is a savings of over $1.00 per night that the members pay per evening. Admission is $10.00 per night. This includes a live caller, music all evening, lessons, a few snacks (depending on who feels like bringing snacks), water and a cozy environment with bathrooms nearby.

Who tends to be good at square dancing?

There are many people who have never danced at all in their lives and now they are good square dancers. People who have taken other dance forms fit in easily. Families often come together as a way of family bonding, and the children take to dancing very quickly. We dance for ourselves; we do not compete, but occasionally we do show off our dancing to the community in order to get more beginning dancers.

Suppose I can’t come on the first day?

We will also accept beginners on the following Wednesday. After that, call Paul at 781-801-0725. He has over 40 years of square dancing experience and knows all the answers!

Last updated 11/05/2023